
The future utilization of the BaSeTaLK app

The idea is to experience communication and participation with the help of an app. As part of a research project funded by the BMBF, an app was developed with the collaboration of senior citizens, which volunteers can use to engage in conversation with residents of senior citizens' facilities. The BaSeTaLK app is intended to serve as a discussion guide and a source of inspiration for topics. The use and effect of the app are being investigated as part of a study, with initial results showing that the app can successfully stimulate conversations. The photos within the app are emphasized as particularly stimulating. The easy entry into topics that have depth, is also experienced as enriching. The questions encourage intensive reflection and storytelling.

The research project will run until April 2023. With the completion of the project, the source code with materials (photos , audio data, narrative stimulating questions) is available to the general public under an open source license. The source code as well as the topics and media are freely accessible via the Github platform at this link: https://github.com/logo-othr/BaSeTaLK. In order for the app to continue to be available to the intended target group, residents of senior citizen facilities, after the end of the project, the operation must be maintained. This requires long-term funding for the operation of the app as well as the provision of an (online) workshop to learn how to implement the intervention.

We are therefore looking for e.g. companies, organizations, associations or clubs that can imagine to make the BaSeTaLK app usable in the long term. For the operation of the app, a simple server is necessary, through which the app obtains the topics and media. Furthermore, the app must be brought into the appropriate stores (Playstore, Appstore). The plan is for the project team to begin developing an online workshop for learning how to use the app in the final year of the project. The source code can be redesigned according to your own wishes

We would be delighted to coordinate by e-mail or arrange a phone call to discuss how a future provision of the BaSeTaLK app can be implemented in concrete terms. Please feel free to contact the project management (Sabine Corsten sabine.corsten@kh-mz.de und Norina Lauer norina.lauer@oth-regensburg.de).